National level quiz competition to commemorate the 75 years of progressive India
No.AIU/YA&S/2021-22/AKAM/5 December 20, 2021 The DSW/Director/Cultural CoordinatorsMember Universities Dear Sir/Madam, To Celebrate ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ Ministry of Tourism and the Association of Indian Universities brings you the 5th episode ‘For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today – The Story of War Memorial of Kohima’ from the 12 episode webinar series. Dr. Ajay Singh, President – Tourist […]
National Virtual Conference on Constitutional Law interfacing with Commercial Laws: Statutes, Issues and Amendments: The Way Forward; Organized by ASSOCHAM ; Supporting Partner-HNLU
Discussion on Draft Mediation Bill
(Saturday, 18th December 2021; 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm) GOI has been actively working on strengthening and promoting the various Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) tools through several enactments and amendments with intent to facilitate an out-of-court settlement of dispute in a speedy and cost-effective manner. Until recent years the main focus was confined to Arbitration, but […]
CCI-HNLU 12th HNMCC 2022
It is decided by the appropriate committee that HNMCC 2022 will be in virtual mode. Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) is hosting the next edition of the Justice Hidayatullah Memorial National Moot Court Competition (HNMCC) as a virtual event. HNMCC was started as a part of the centenary celebrations of the eminent jurist, author, and […]
Online Workshop on Combatting Human Trafficking
Online Workshop on Combatting Human Trafficking: Role of Human Rights Institutions organized by HNLU in collaboration with State Human Rights Commission, December 10th, 2021About Workshop: Human Trafficking is a socio-legal problem that poses challenges to human rights and is one of the worst forms of human exploitation. It is considered a worldwide crisis, with around 40 million […]
Re-activation of the National Scholarship Portal (NSP 2.0) for ST students for the financial year 2021-22
Re-activation of the National Scholarship Portal (NSP 2.0) for inviting Applications (fresh and renewal both) under National Scholarship for Higher Education for ST students for the financial year 2021-22
Tender for Landscaping work at Vice Chancellor Residence HNLU, Nava Raipur (C.G.)
Two Day National Conference on Tribal Transitions in India on 26th & 27th Nov. 2021
The abstract submission deadline for the National conference on Tribal Transition in India (in virtual mode) hereby extended till 07th of November, 2021. Abstracts can be submitted on or before the deadline via google form link “Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done”. Law is the tool of social […]
Mediation Webinar Series – HNLU, IIAM & KD Lex Chambers
In India the origin of mediation is obscured by the lack of a clear historical and official records of indigenous processes of dispute resolution system due to our colonial past. However, recently mediation has emerged as a fast-growing disputes redressal mechanism. The supreme court of India has constituted mediation and conciliation project committee to oversee […]
Scholarship Announcement of Hakeem Abdul Hameed Scholarship / Financial Aid for the year 2021-22.
“Tender for Interior renovation works of Hostel Dining/Academic Block at HNLU”
No.HNLU/REG/24267/2021-22 Date: 03.11.2021 NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER Cost of Tender Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only), NON REFUNDABLE, should be transferred online though Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. Tender without ‘Cost of Tender Document’ will be summarily rejected. The Earnest Money (EMD) should be transferred online though Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/NEFT/RTGS. Tender without requisite EMD will be […]
TWO-DAY NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “Calibrating Corporate Governance in New Economy ”
HNLU Wins the HPNLU II National Moot Court Competition 2021
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur is pleased to announce that its team comprising of Ms Vanya Francis, Mr Anirudh Agrawal and Mr Aditya Rai, students of Vth Year, B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) programme have been adjudged as winners of the 2nd HPNLU National Virtual Moot Court Competition 2021. The competition was organized by Himachal Pradesh National Law […]
The two-day National Conference on Calibrating Corporate Governance in New Economy was conducted by HNLU on 30th & 31st October, 2021 in collaboration with Taxmann Publications. In its Inaugural Ceremony on 30.10.2021 Mr. Salman Khurshid, Designated Senior Advocate and Former Cabinet Minister of Ministry of External Affairs graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and […]
HNLU EXARCA – Hybrid Courtrooms: Future of Justice Dispensation in Our Country
HNLU EXARCA – Hybrid Courtrooms: Future of Justice Dispensation in Our Country
Invitation for International Conference on 25-26 November 2021
Greetings from IILM University Gurugram!!! IILM Law School Gurugram is proud to organize Two Days International Conference on ELECTORAL INTEGRITY AND THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA on 25–26 November 2021 to celebrate the Constitution Day. We look forward to your support for the promotion and submission of academic papers for this important international conference. The aim of the […]
Alma Matters, HNLU is pleased to announce that Mr Adarsh Varghese from the Batch of 2008 has been designated as Partner at Kirkland and Ellis, LLP, a major law firm in the US earlier this month. He is the first HNLUite to be elevated to this prestigious position. Heartiest Congratulations!
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Technology Hub and Innovation Network for Knowledge Bastar (THINK-B), for the purposes of professional collaboration and exchange of legal and business services. Think-B is an initiative of Bastar District Administration, which operates accelerator programs around the district under its brand to promote […]
Welcoming Hon’ble Chancellor Shri Arup Kumar Goswami Chief Justice of High Court of Chhattisgarh
HNLU extends a hearty and warm welcome to Mr Justice Arup Kumar Goswami, Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Chhattisgarh and Chancellor, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur
Result of Repeat-1 Examination (Even & Odd Semester), July-2021
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur Ref.:HNLU:Exams: 2021 Date: 12.10.2021 Notification The Result of B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Repeat-1 Examinations (Even & Odd Semester), July, 2021 (Session: January to April 2020 & July to November 2020) Results is hereby declared. Details are as follows:- List Enclosed. Note: All the students who have appeared in Repeat-1 Examination (Even […]
Notice Regarding Late Fee
NOTIFICATION As notified by the University on dated 30.09.2021, the last date of payment of semester fee is on 08.10.2021. The students can pay their semester fee with the late fee as per the below details after the stipulated date:- Sl. No. Period Fine par day 1. 9th to 15th Oct. 21 Rs. 50/- 2. […]
Important Notice for “Scheduled Castes (SC)” Students Regarding Scholarship
Expression of Interest for license of 07 shops in the Utility Centre at HNLU for the Year 2021-22
Notification for extension of date The last date for submission of Expression of Interest Expression of Interest for license of 07 shops in the Utility Centre at HNLU for the Year 2021-22 has been extended till October 14, 2021, 04:00 P.M. -REGISTRAR The Expression of Interest (EoI) is hereby invited on behalf of the HNLU […]
Nomination of Student Representatives for the Legal Service Center
HNLU organised a two-day virtual workshop on Forensic Science in Crime Investigation
Hidayatullah National Law University, in collaboration with National Forensic Science University, organised a two-day virtual workshop on FORENSIC SCIENCE IN CRIME INVESTIGATION on 4th and 5th September. The workshop aimed at equipping the participants about basic concepts and recent trends in Forensic Science, familiarizing them about various tools and techniques used by Forensic Labs for […]
In supersession of the earlier order No. HNLU/VCO/3963/2019 dated 12.12.2019, the competent authority has hereby reconstituted the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of HNLU as per UGC guidelines:- Prof. (Dr.) Jaya Vasudevan – Chairperson Ms. Anita Singh – Member Secretary Ms. Navita Aggarwal – Faculty Member Ms. Sanjana Dharamraj – Staff Member Mr. Shyam Krishna Shrivastava – Staff Member Ms. Anju Harbansh, Research Scholar – Student Member […]
In supersession of the earlier order No. HNLU/21991/2019 dated 16.12.2019, the competent authority has hereby reconstituted the Equal Opportunity & Anti-Discrimination Cell (EOADC) of HNLU as per UGC guidelines:- Prof. (Dr.) Vishnu Konoorayar – Chairperson Dr. Dipak Das – Faculty Member Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Aahire – Faculty Member Mr. Deepak Kumar – Faculty Member Mr. Peter Ekka – Staff Member Student Member – […]
Rank List-LL.M. Batch-XIV-April(2021)
Rank List-B.A.LL.B. (Honours)_Batch-XX-Sem_II-April(2021)
Rank List-B.A.LL.B. (Honours)_Batch-XVI-Sem_X-April(2021)
Rank List-B.A.LL.B. (Honours)_Batch-XVII-Sem_VIII-April(2021)
Rank List-B.A.LL.B. (Honours)_Batch-XVIII-Sem_VI-April(2021)
Rank List-B.A.LL.B. (Honours)_Batch-XIX-Sem_IV-2021
Result of LL.M. (Semester-I) Repeat-1 Examination, July – 2021 is hereby declared.
Ref.:HNLU:Exams:2021 Date: 15/09/2021 Notification The Result of LL.M. (Semester-I) Repeat-1 Examination, July – 2021 is hereby declared. Details as follow:- LL.M. (Semester-I), July – 2021:- List Enclosed Note: Grievances related to result, if any, shall be entertained by the Examination Coordination Committee ( only within 7 days from the date of publication of […]
Client Counselling Workshop – LSSC
About HNLU Established in 2003, Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur has completed the journey of more than one and half a decade. In such a short span of time, HNLU has carved out a niche in the realm of legal education across India and the legacy is soaring towards newer heights day by day. HNLU […]
Invitation- ASSOCHAM 6th International (2-Days- Virtual) Competition Law Conference on 23-24 Sep 2021
Invitation- ASSOCHAM 6th International (2-Days- Virtual) Competition Law Conference On 23-24 Sep 2021 Attendee Registration Links: Day 1 (23rd Sep 2021): 2 (24th Sep 2021): Chief Guest: Shri Ashok Kumar Gupta, Chairperson, Competition Commission of India Dear Sir/ Madam, Greetings from ASSOCHAM! In view of the evolution of and key developments in the Competition Law over the past few […]
Step-By-Step Instructions to login official Email ID in HNLU Domain and Joining Classes
Dear Students, This is to inform you that the class settings has been communicated to all faculties and in case of issues relating to joining class like “we can’t find your account on the host side .Check with your host or administration” please contact your subject teacher immediately via call or email as each faculty has individual […]
Essay Writing Competition | The Law and Technology Society of NLSIU, Bengaluru
WHAT IS THE COMPETITION WE ARE TALKING ABOUT ? With our Essay Writing Competition 2021, we seek to encourage the participants to engage in outside the box thinking and to explore new issues related to competition law & technology policy. For this, we cordially invite your entries on the following theme: Revisiting traditional antitrust frameworks […]
LL.M. (Semester-II) Examination Results (Session: Feb. 2021 to May. 2021)
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur Ref.:HNLU:Exams:2021 Date: 27.08.2021 Notification The Result of LL.M. (Semester-II) (Session: February 2021 to May 2021) is hereby declared. Details as follow:- LL.M. Semester – II, February -2021:- Roll No.:- PG/14/2020/463 to PG/14/2020/524. Note: Any grievances related to result shall be entertained within 7 day only from the publication […]