Online Workshop on Combatting Human Trafficking: Role of Human Rights Institutions organized by HNLU in collaboration with State Human Rights Commission, December 10th, 2021
About Workshop:
Human Trafficking is a socio-legal problem that poses challenges to human rights and is one of the worst forms of human exploitation.
It is considered a worldwide crisis, with around 40 million human trafficking’s recorded at the international level to date, and the number is increasing at an alarming speed. India, the second-largest populated country, bears the brunt of human trafficking and urgently needs to halt such a heinous crime and design a proper redressal framework. An effective Human Rights mechanism in theory and practice can effectively address and reverse such violations in the country.
Despite the international and constitutional protections available, human trafficking remains a challenge. This workshop aims to analyse and suggest effective remedies against human trafficking which negates the foundation of human rights. This workshop on 10th of December 2021 aims at disseminating and prescribing practical steps of curbing such heinous practices by inviting the expressions of enthusiasts of human rights advocacy.
For more information, please refer to the Workshop Brochure attached herewith.For Registration please click on :