Hidayatullah National Law University  organised a session on “Key Legal Issues involved in Equity Financing” followed by a career guidance session on 4th November 2022 at the HNLU Campus.The resource person during this session was  Mr. Vinayak Mishra, Director – Legal at Lightspeed India Partners Advisors. In his opening remarks he recalled his time as […]

“Tender for Interior renovation works of Hostel Dining/Academic Block at HNLU”

No.HNLU/REG/24267/2021-22                                                         Date:   03.11.2021 NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER Cost of Tender Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only), NON REFUNDABLE, should be transferred online though Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. Tender without ‘Cost of Tender Document’ will be summarily rejected. The Earnest Money (EMD) should be transferred online though Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/NEFT/RTGS. Tender without requisite EMD will be […]

Revised Online Result, November-2020

I.D. No. Name of the Students Sem. Subject Total Marks(O/o 60) 018/2018/1803 Anushruti Shah IV Environmental Law 46.00 018/2018/1983 Nitisha Agrawal IV Environmental Law 42.00 018/2018/1974 Avnish Prakash IV Labour Law-I 54.00 018/2018/1874 Jayadeep Manchikalapudi IV Labour Law-I 48.00 018/2018/1848 Pallavi Dubey IV Labour Law-I 46.00 018/2018/1888 Pratyush Chaturvedi IV Labour Law-I 50.00 018/2018/1956 Shreya […]

University Account Details for NEFT /RTGS

In case of any difficulty in online transfer of fees through the online portal the payment of fees can be made through National
Electonic Fund Transfer (NEFT)/ RTGS

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