The HNLU Career Development Conclave 2022 is set to organize its fourteenth session on the theme “Legal Counsel’s Journey: Insights and future directions” on 18th September 2022. In this session, Dr. Priyanka R. Mohod, Assistant Professor, HNLU, Raipur will give the welcome remarks.
The welcome remarks shall be followed by hosting esteemed panel consisting of. Vinayak Mishra, Director – Legal, Lightspeed India Partners Advisors, Ms. Sucheta Mehra Vice President – Private Equity & M&A Practice, Marsh McLennan, Mr. Priyesh Sharma, Assistant Vice President – Legal, Nucleus Office Parks, (Blackstone Commercial Portfolio) and Mr. Akash Tiwari, Consultant, Garhwal Heroes Football Club.
All the panelists are alumni of HNLU. Mr.Vinayak and Mr. Akash belong to the undergraduate batches of the 2008 and 2013 batch while Ms. Sucheta and Mr. Priyesh are from the undergraduate batch of 2011.
For more details about HNLU Career Development Conclave visit at: