The abstract submission deadline for the National conference on Tribal Transition in India (in virtual mode) hereby extended till 07th of November, 2021.
Abstracts can be submitted on or before the deadline via google form link
“Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done”. Law is the tool of social engineering, and should be used for ensuring the development of all segments of society. The Constitution of India provides for establishment of a uniform platform for overall development for all the members of the society and creasing out the differences between people while ensuring that special needs be taken care of.
On this National Law Day, we cordially invite you to participate in the two-day National Conference on Tribal Transition in India: Issues, Challenges and the Road Ahead that is scheduled on 26-27 November, 2021.
The tribal identity has experienced numerous changes and challenges. Even after seventy years of planned development, the financial state of tribes has not improved much and tribal regions are considered as under developed in our country. Development measures in the tribal regions should consist of bringing harmony among safeguarding ancestral identity, culture and qualities, while expanding and guaranteeing their admittance to standard educational facilities, wellbeing and vocation. Feeble land records, destitution, ignorance and exploitation have brought about persistent drainage of assets thereby prompting pauperization of tribal communities.
In this backdrop, the event is being organized by the Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur Chhattisgarh in collaboration with the Tribal Research and Training Institute, Government of Chhattisgarh and Thakur Pyarelal State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development.
This conference is open for the academicians, Judges, Researchers, Professionals, Practitioners, Students of law and allied social sciences and other stakeholders to submit and present their research to advance the discourse. Participation is also sought from interested pupils who wish to attend the panel discussions by subject matter experts.
The detailed brochure of the event is attached herewith.