• Gender Issues and Challenges in Twenty First Century (Edited), Satyam Law International, New Delhi (2015), ISBN-978-93-82823-20-9.
• Gender Roles, Career and Structure: A Study on Two-Working Families in India, Redshine Publication Pvt. Ltd. India (2021), ISBN: 978-93-90937-63-9.
• Tupat, Archana R. and Panda, Uttam Kumar (2021). Advantageous and Adversative Impact of Social Media on Undergraduate Law Students. Innovations, Vol. 64, No. 4, PP. 799-809, ISSN: 12674982 (P), 19650256 (E). (Scopus Indexed and UGC Group-II)
• Panda, Uttam Kumar (2019). Gendering Decision Making and Status Dynamics of Women: A Study of Two-Working Families of India. AJANTA, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 94-100, ISSN: 2277-5730 (UGC Approved List Journal No. 40776).
• Panda, Uttam Kumar (2018). Two-Working Families, Workplace and Stress Factors: An Empirical View. AJANTA, Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 109-114, ISSN: 2277-5730 (UGC Approved List Journal No. 40776).
• Panda, Uttam Kumar, Indian Gender Roles in Transition: Between the Structures (2017). AJANTA, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 143-149, ISSN: 2277-5730 (UGC Approved List Journal No. 40776)
• Panda, Uttam Kumar, (2011) “Role Conflict, Stress and Dual-Career Couples: An Empirical Study” The Journal of Family Welfare, Vol.57, No.2, Pp72-88 ISSN: 0022-1074 (UGC Approved List Journal No. 7558).
• Panda, Uttam Kumar (2010), “Career, Conflict and Attitude: Change and Continuity” in Research, Analysis and Evaluation, Vol.1, Issue No.5, pp54-57, ISSN-0975-3486 (UGC Approved List Journal. No. 41022).
• Panda, Uttam Kumar, (2010) “Working Couples and Changing Domestic Roles: Why and How These Consequences??” Research Link, Vol.-IX (4), pp. 58-60 ISSN-0973-1628 (UGC Approved List Journal No. 48985).
• Dash, S. K. and Panda, Uttam Kumar (2004), “Era of Globalization and Education in India” in Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas, Vol. 18, No.208, ISSN 0970-7247, pp 49-52 (UGC Approved List Journal No. 48883 and UGC CARE List Sl. No. 46).
Book Chapters
• Panda, Uttam Kumar (2015). “Gendered Attitude in Domestic Work Participation: A Study of Two-working Families in India” in Gender Issues and Challenges in Twenty First Century, Edited by U. K. Panda, Satyam Law International, New Delhi, ISBN-978-93-82823-20-9.
• Panda, Uttam Kumar (2009), “Decentralization, Local Self-Governance and Gender: Moving towards More Equality” in Decentralized Governance and Development, Edited by T. M. Joseph, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN 9781-8450-155-1, pp 50-66.