Batch-XIX (Sem.-I), Batch-XVIII (Sem.-III), Batch-XVII (Sem.-V), Batch-XVI (Sem.-VII)
The students, who wish to appear in the repeat examination of Semester- I, III, V & VII of July to December-2020 are required to apply for the same in the prescribed form on along with proof of deposit of requisite fees.
Sl. No. | Head | Details |
1.      | Application Procedure | ·        Application Mode: Online (Application available in the University website) ·        Timeline: On or before 31st March 2021 |
2.      | Fee | Rs. 250/- per Subject |
3.      | Application fee to be deposited | ·        Name of the Account Holder: Registrar, HNLU, Raipur (C.G.) ·        Type of Account: Current Account ·        Name of the Bank: IDBI Bank Ltd. ·        Branch Name and Address: HNLU Campus Branch, Uparwara, Raipur ·        Bank Account No.: 049104000329378 ·        IFSC Code: IBKL0001188 ·        MICR Code: 492259503 |
4.      | Exam Method | Special Assignments of Critical Essays (SACE) |
5.      | Marking -All Papers | Two SACEs x 30 Marks = 60 Marks (No Viva-voce) |
6.      | Release of SACE topics | 10th April 2021 |
7.      | Submission Deadline | To be submitted on or before 29th May 2021 |
8.      | Word Limit | 2500-2800 words (each SACE) inclusive of footnotes/references |
9.      | Line Spacing | One and a Half Line Spacing |
10.  | Font Size | 12 Points in Times New Roman |
Sl. No. | Head | Details |
11.  | Mode of Submission | SACEs in a single pdf to be submitted to the Library Turnitin Class ID and to the designated e-mail id provided by exam in SACE question paper |
12.  | Citations/Footnotes | Harvard Bluebook 20th Edition |
13.  | Similarity Check of SACEs | •     By Turnitin (Permissible Turnitin Similarity Index is up to 30%) •     For more details on similarity checks and penalty, see annexure(HNLU-Anti-Plagiarism and integrity Policy as notified on 24/12/2020) |
14.  | Penalty on Late Submissions | •     One day delay: one-mark deduction •     Two days delay: Two-marks deduction •     Three days delay: Three-marks deduction •     Four days delay: Four-marks deduction •     Five days delay: Five-marks deduction •     Post 5 days, the submissions will not be taken for evaluation and such students have to repeat the same in the next schedule. The methodology and timeline will be announced in due course. |
Controller of Examinations