Instruction for Students:
- The pending end term examination of last academic session (January-April2020) for 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th Semester students will commence from 19th November 2020 online based on the choices offered by the BCI in their notification dated 01.11.2020.
- The syllabus for online end term examination will be that of the post mid-term exam in each subject.
- The examination timing will be 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and the schedule is enclosed herewith. The answer sheets have to be posted to the e-mail ID provided on the question paper before 2.00 p.m. of the exam date. The SAP candidates will be eligible for extra 30 minutes – i.e.2.30 p.m.
- Each Question Paper shall have four long essay type questions and the students are required to attempt any two, with 15 marks for each question.
- The marks obtained out of 30 will be doubled and added to the projects and midterm marks for calculating the final result of the semester.
- As per schedule enclosed herewith of the exams, the respective question paper will be uploaded on the university website and also will be mailed to the students on their respective email IDs provided to the university about 10 minutes prior to the commencement of the scheduled examination.
- The answers can be typed or hand written.
a. The typed answers should be in Times New Roman, font size of 12 point and in 1.5 line space with standard margins; or
b. The self hand written answers should be in A-4 size white paper
(ruled/unruled).It should be legible and readable. - All the pages of Answer Sheets must be kept in a proper sequence with page numbers.
- The file name should be in the following format:
a. ID Number – for example – 0171201711601
b. Code of the Paper- for example – Family Law-I (Code- FL1)
c. Date of Examination in dd/mm/yy – for example – l7llll20 - The typed answer sheets should be mailed in a single PDF file and hand written answer
sheets should be scanned by a scanner or through the scanning App of Mobile. The same is required to be sent on or before 02.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. for SAP candidates to the Email ID provided in the question paper on the day of the exam. - The Students shall be responsible for uploading of the correct version of the answer sheets within stipulated time. Any failure on their part to upload the right file shall lead to their answer sheets being will not be taken up for evaluation.
- The Students
a. failing to send the answer scripts before the timeline or
b. mailed a wrong file or
c. who could not clear his/her examination after evaluation file will get an opportunity to appear in the repeat exam as and when announced by the University. - The details of the exam time- table are enclosed herewith.
- Any query related to the above is to be mailed only to with the name(s) of the student(s)
Deepak Shrivastava
Controller of Examination