Dr. Ankit Awasthi

Assistant Professor

Phone: +917355235075 I Date of Joining: 03.08.2017


• B.A., LL.B.
• LL.M.
• Ph.D.

Courses Taught

• Legal Method
• International Trade Law
• General Principles of Corporate Law
• Media & Law


1. Article on, “National Guidelines on the Economic Social and Environmental Responsibilities of Business: Raising the Bar of Corporate Governance” published in the Company Law Journal, ISSN 0010-4019, Volume 2, April, 2019 and the same has been indexed by the Press Monitoring Service, Central Council Library of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) New Delhi for the reference of Faculty/Students & Members of the Institute.

2. Article on, “An Attempt to Analyze the Institutional Reforms Within the Framework of the Companies Act, 2013 to ensure Good Corporate Governance” published in the Company Law Journal, ISSN 0010-4019, Volume No. 04, November, 2019.

3. Paper on, “An Analytical Study on the facets of Corporate Governance in Indian Scenario: Decoding the Companies Act, 2013” in the two days’ international conference on “Corporate Governance: Issues, Challenges and Changing Paradigms” on 7th – 8th September, 2019 at India International Centre, New Delhi, India.

4. Paper on, “Need of International Competition Agreement, in the age of WTO,” presented in two days International Conference on, “International Environmental Law, Trade Law, Information Technology Law and Legal Education” held at Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University, and Varanasi, India on 2nd -3rd March, 2013.

5. Paper on, “Legal-Centric approach towards the Female Foeticide and Infanticide in Indian Context: A Threat to Womanhood,” presented in two days International Seminar on, “Journey of Women Empowerment: Miles to Go” held at Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India on 24th -25th March, 2012.
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