Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur
Ref.:HNLU:Exams:2021 Date: 27.08.2021
The Result of LL.M. (Semester-II) (Session: February 2021 to May 2021) is hereby declared. Details as follow:-
- LL.M. Semester – II, February -2021:-
Roll No.:- PG/14/2020/463 to PG/14/2020/524.
- Any grievances related to result shall be entertained within 7 day only from the publication of result by the Examination Coordination Committee (ecc@hnlu.ac.in).
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- P.A. to Hon’ble V.C. for kind information of Hon’ble V.C.
- I.T. Section: for uploading on university website.
- All Notice Boards.